The Student Athlete's Lexicon: Key Terms in Sport Psychology and Mental Performance

Welcome to the world of sport performance psychology, where the mental aspects of athletic excellence are just as crucial as physical prowess.

This glossary is designed to help student athletes, coaches, and enthusiasts become more fluent in the language of the mind game.

Understanding these terms is the first step in developing the mental acuity needed to excel in any sport. Whether you're looking to enhance focus, build resilience, or foster team cohesion, this collection of key concepts will serve as a valuable resource in your journey to mental mastery on the field, court, or track.

Word Definition
Attentional Control The capacity to choose what you pay attention to and what you ignore. It's like being the director of your own mental spotlight.
Arousal Regulation This is about finding the sweet spot of energy for your best performance. Too keyed up or too relaxed can throw you off. Techniques like deep breathing or mindfulness can help manage this.
Cognitive Flexibility Being able to switch your thinking and adapt to new situations. It's like being a chameleon that can change colors to match its environment.
Concentration This is about staying focused on the present moment and the task at hand, without getting distracted by what's going on around you.
Emotional Intelligence Understanding and managing your own emotions, as well as recognizing and influencing the emotions of others. It's a key part of connecting with teammates and staying composed under pressure.
Emotional Regulation Learning to manage your feelings, especially under pressure. This can mean calming yourself down or psyching yourself up, so you're in the best state to compete.
Focal Cueing Using a specific phrase or action to help you stay focused and manage emotions during critical moments in the game.
Flow Getting so involved in an activity that nothing else seems to matter. It's the zone where you perform your best and everything clicks.
Grit A mix of passion and perseverance. It's about having a long-term goal and not giving up, no matter what.
Goal-Setting Setting clear, specific goals can guide your attention and efforts, helping you to improve and stay focused.
Imagery This is like a mental rehearsal. You visualize performing a skill or playing in a game, which can help improve your actual performance. It's like practicing in your mind.
Mental Endurance The ability to maintain focus and effort over long periods. It's like running a mental marathon.
Mental Toughness Staying determined and focused even when things get tough. Think of it as mental armor that helps you push through difficult times.
Mindfulness A practice where you focus on the current moment with openness and without judgment. It can improve focus and help manage emotions.
Mindset Your overall attitude and approach to challenges. It can be a 'growth mindset' where you see opportunities for growth, or a 'fixed mindset' where you think your abilities are set in stone.
Optimism The tendency to expect the best possible outcome or to see the best in a situation. It's like wearing glasses that make the world look brighter.
Performance Planning Creating a plan for how you'll approach your sport, including routines and strategies to be at your best.
Psychological Flexibility The ability to stay connected to the present moment and adapt your behavior to align with your values, even in the face of difficult or challenging situations.
Release-Reset-Refocus A technique for when you make a mistake or get criticized. Release the mistake, reset with a deep breath, and refocus on the next play or your role as a teammate.
Resilience The ability to bounce back from setbacks or failures. It's like being a rubber ball that can rebound after hitting the ground hard.
Self-Compassion Treating yourself with the same kindness and understanding that you would offer to a good friend. It's about being your own supportive ally, especially after a tough day.
Self-Efficacy Believing in your own ability to succeed in specific situations or accomplish a task. It's like having an internal cheerleader that boosts your confidence.
Self-Talk Think of it as your inner coach. It's not about being positive all the time but about what helps you focus and perform. Redirecting your thoughts to the task at hand is critical.
Stress Tolerance How well you handle pressure without getting overwhelmed. It's keeping your cool when the heat is on.
Team Cohesion The bond that holds a team together. It's the glue that makes everyone work together smoothly and support each other.

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