Mettle Performance Assessment for Youth Sports Teams

Build the full potential of your team


Assessment Overview

The Mettle Performance Assessment for Teams is a modern tool designed to help youth coaches understand and develop the mental skills of their athletes.

By evaluating key psychological attributes of your players, this assessment provides coaches with insights into their team’s mental performance abilities and recommends approaches to build their athletes’ mental game.

About the Mettle Performance Assessment

Our assessment is a comprehensive evaluation measuring athletes across seven critical mental performance scales.

  • Resilience: Understand how well your players bounce back from setbacks.

  • Coachability: Gauge your athletes' openness to feedback and their willingness to learn.

  • Focus: Assess your team's ability to maintain concentration during crucial moments.

  • Confidence: Identify levels of self-belief and drive to succeed.

  • Mental Preparation: Evaluate how effectively your players set and pursue their goals.

  • Performing Under Pressure: Measure how well your athletes perform in high-stress situations.

  • Stress Management: Understand how your team manages stress and anxiety.

What you’ll get

The Mettle Team Assessment aggregates your individual player assessments into a comprehensive team report that highlight your team’s strengths and identify areas for improvement. Your team report is designed to provide a clear overview of your team's mental landscape, allowing you to:

Identify Key Areas for Development

Pinpoint specific mental skills that need attention.

Tailor Training Programs

Customize your coaching strategies to address the unique needs of your team.

Enhance Team Cohesion

Foster a supportive environment where players can thrive mentally and physically.

Includes Actionable Insights

The Team Report not only identifies areas for improvement but also offers practical recommendations and strategies to help you develop your players' mental skills. These insights can be seamlessly integrated into your existing training routines.

Why Mental Performance Matters

In sports, mental toughness often separates good athletes from great ones.

Attributes like resilience, focus, and stress management are crucial for peak performance.

Yet, these aspects are often overlooked in traditional coaching.

Our Team Assessment Report is designed to provide coaches with the tools to assess and enhance their athletes' mental game.

Benefits of taking the Mettle Performance Assessment

For Coaches

  • Enhanced Understanding: Gain a deeper understanding of your players' mental strengths and weaknesses.

  • Improved Coaching Effectiveness: Use data-driven insights to refine your coaching methods.

  • Better Team Performance: Develop a mentally resilient and focused team that performs well under pressure.

For Players

  • Personal Growth: Receive personalized feedback that helps them understand and improve their mental game.

  • Increased Confidence: Build self-belief and motivation through targeted mental skills training.

  • Stress Management: Learn effective strategies to manage stress and anxiety, both on and off the field.

Easy Implementation

The assessment is designed to be user-friendly and easy to administer via online survey. Coaches can quickly set up and student athletes can take the assessment with minimal disruption to their regular training schedules.

Start building your team’s mental edge

At $150 for up to 25 players per age group, our assessment offers the insights and tools to make a real difference in your team's mental game.

Expert-Designed: Developed by leading sports psychologists, your report is grounded in the latest research and science-based practices in sports psychology and mental performance.

Don't miss this opportunity to gain a competitive edge

Build a team that's as mentally strong as they are physically. For the cost of a single piece of equipment, you can provide lasting value to your players' sports careers and lives.